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Federico Murgia (1989) is an Italian multidisciplinary artist that lives and works in Haarlem/Amsterdam

Murgia’s background in graphics and drawing has expanded towards more immersive and hybrid practices, exploring the intangible correlations between sonic, luminous and other elements at the edge of the human perceptual envelope. Both in his sculptural and graphical productions, as well as in his site-specific installations and performances, Murgia is particularly interested in evoking unusual and ancestral sensations, triggering sensorial experiences at the verge of transcendence.
He collaborate with scientists, designers, musicians and many other creatives from different disciplines.
"Questioning how immateriality may be made into something tangible, I aim to use all mediums on behalf of creating experiences, to trigger unexplored feelings and associations.
By playing with physical elements and illusions my final aim is evoking unusual and ancestral sensations, triggering sensorial experiences at the verge of transcendence that embrace the surroundings, creating an interaction between time and space, illusion and reality."