Share Prize XI, Toolbox, Turin, Italy, 2018
"Noise 2.0" is an upgraded and monochromatic version of "Noise" and consists in a pitch black room with various light/sound sculptures and installations, where all the artworks complete each other creating an immersive experience for the public. "Noise" does not aim to be a collection of single artworks but a total immersion where perception and physical phenomena play a key role for the process of interpretation. All the works reveal a research about frequencies and patterns, each one using a different media, exploring perception through different senses. Conceptually all the body of works turns around the statement that what we experience, particularly what we see and what we hear, it's just a fragment of the real. A stroboscopic effect is present throughout all the works enlightening different phenomena. In all these works, visually movement become stillness, as being able to grasp an instant on time. Sound, in the other hand brings back time on the equation but in the mean of an endless loop in repetition; in fact just singular frequencies are spread all over the environment from different pieces.
In its completeness, "Noise" works as an orchestra. The final sonic experience is never loud or disturbing, on the contrary it can be almost meditative. The literal noise is represented instead visually, thanks to the surreal atmosphere created through flickering lights.

"Wave line I 2.0 " and "Wave line II 2.0", 2018
Fan, cotton string, led light, Arduino board; dimension variable.
Fan, cotton string, led light, Arduino board; dimension variable.

“Antigravity Cylinder I 2.0”, 2018
Plexiglas cylinder, styrofoam balls, led light, computer fan, Arduino board; W25 x H100 x D25cm.
Plexiglas cylinder, styrofoam balls, led light, computer fan, Arduino board; W25 x H100 x D25cm.

“Antigravity Cylinder II 2.0”, 2018
Plexiglas cylinder, raw fiberglass, led light, computer fan, Arduino board; W25 x H100 x D25cm.
Plexiglas cylinder, raw fiberglass, led light, computer fan, Arduino board; W25 x H100 x D25cm.

"Waterfall composition 2.0", 2018
Water, pump, valve, led light, Arduino board; dimension variable (suggested W75 x H175 x D35)
Water, pump, valve, led light, Arduino board; dimension variable (suggested W75 x H175 x D35)

"Sound pendulum 2.0", 2018
Speaker, string, led light, metal weight, Arduino board, amplifier; dimension variable
Speaker, string, led light, metal weight, Arduino board, amplifier; dimension variable

"Sound hole 2.1", 2018
Speaker, amplifier, led light, plexiglass, polystyrene balls, Arduino board, H80 x W20 x D20 cm.

Exhibition map
Photography by O. Bovenzi and G. Comazzi
Photography by O. Bovenzi and G. Comazzi